How did Africa’s geography discourage trade by water?

How did Africa’s geography discouraged trade by water? Western Africa lacks natural harbors and its rivers have many waterfalls making trade by ship and boat difficult. What happened as a result pf the land trade routed that developed in Africa.

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What geographic barriers hindered movement in Africa?

What geographic barriers hindered movement in Africa? The deserts and the tropical rain, the lack of good natural harbors, the high plateaus, rivers containing lots of rapids and cataracts all hindered movement in Africa.

How did geography affect trade along Africa’s coasts in ancient times?

There were so many different geographical features, so Africans were forced to trade for what they needed. How did geography affect trade in West Africa? More people had to trade, so settlements made more money.

How did the geography of West Africa affect long distance trade on the continent?

How did the geography of West Africa affect long distance trade on the continent? The large number of easily navigated rivers made it possible to transport goods quickly. Diverse ecological zones required different modes of transportation making trade difficult.

What did Africa trade on the Silk Road?

Africans traded in timber, gold, elephant tusks, animals and sesame seeds on the Silk Road.

How did Africa’s geography affect trade?

Geography also influenced trading patterns. Communities traded with one another for items they could not produce locally. Rivers, such as the Niger, served as trade routes. Early Communities Early societies in West Africa were family-based communities.

How does Africa’s geography affect its economy?

Africa’s natural resource economy contributes greatly to the continent’s built environment, or human-made buildings and structures. The largest engineering projects and urban areas are directly linked to the production and trade of resources such as water, oil, and minerals.

How did geography affect trade?

Traders had to use geographic anomalies so they could trade with people from other lands. To cross these land routes it was essential that enough water was available for the people and animals to use. Thus, water, in the form of oases, were vital resources along even the most remote, land-based trade routes.

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How does geography affect society culture and trade?

geography affected trade because it had rivers mountains and lakes, which was geostrategic which made trade easier also, they had natural resources such as gold, and salt, which helps trade because people that was their main source for also had the desert which made travel harder and was harder for invaders to …

How did the geography of West Africa influence settlement and trade?

How did the geography of West Africa influence settlement and trade? Because different types of food grow in different zones, people had to trade to get things they could not produce themselves. Villages located along rivers or other trade routes became trading sites.

How did migration affect the development of African cultures?

How did migration affect the development of African cultures? Migrations contributed to the rich diversity of cultures in Africa. Migrations spread skills in farming, ironworking, and domesticating animals. Some cultures merged and languages were influenced as well.

How did the gold salt trade develop between West Africa and North Africa?

The trade began due to a surplus of each product per area. Gold was plentiful in West Africa so traders sent the item to North Africa so they too could have the valuable mineral. In return, North Africans gave salt to West Africa. Why is salt so important?

How did Africa’s geographic features influence migration cultural development and trade quizlet?

Africa has the worlds largest desert, the Sahara which had a highway for migration and trade, and because the ever expanding desert forced people to migrate. As migration occurred, their skills spread into Southern Africa. Africa was home to gold, salt, and copper. All these useful items were used for trading.

What bonds hold African societies together?

African societies preserved their histories and value through both oral and written literature. This helped to connect them by a common language. How are these traditions similar and different from the ones used to create bonds in your community?

How did trade influence West Africa?

Over time, the slave trade became even more important to the West African economy. Kings traded slaves for valuable good, such as horses from the Middle East and textiles and weapons from Europe. The ​transSaharan​ slave trade contributed to the power of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai.

How did geography influence Ethiopia’s development?

How did geography and religion influence Ethiopia’s development? Ethiopia was physically isolated from other areas by surrounding mountains, which helped it maintain independence. It also developed a strong unifying culture based on the Christian faith.

How does geography affect the economy of a region?

We find that location and climate have large effects on income levels and income growth, through their effects on transport costs, disease burdens, and agricultural productivity, among other channels. Furthermore, geography seems to be a factor in the choice of economic policy itself.

How did trade start in Africa?

With the use of camels trade routes began to form between cities across the Sahara Desert. African trade reached its height, however, after the Arabs had conquered North Africa. Islamic traders entered the region and began to trade for gold and slaves from Western Africa.

Why are water resources in such demand in North Africa?

The Middle East and North Africa’s Water Resources in a Changing Climate. Increased water demand due to population growth, growing economies, and land-use changes have resulted in major stresses on freshwater resources (Heathwaite 2010).

How did trade affect East Africa?

In the East Africa region, trade and investment barriers hinder economic integration and rapid population growth, including a growing youth population, complicate efforts to reduce poverty.

What did Africa export in the triangular trade?

three stages of the so-called triangular trade, in which arms, textiles, and wine were shipped from Europe to Africa, enslaved people from Africa to the Americas, and sugar and coffee from the Americas to Europe.

Does Africa lack resources?

Although the African continent is blessed with gold, diamonds, oil, coltan, bauxite, uranium, iron ore and other valuable resources, its inhabitants have long numbered among the world’s poorest. While a few sub-Saharan African nations are doing relatively well, most are mired in poverty.

How have North Africa’s natural resources influenced economic growth?

Wealth from oil, natural gas, and mining has helped develop economies in the subregion. Petroleum and oil products are North Africa’s main export goods. Natural gas is also a major export. Coal and copper mining and cement production are important as well.

How geography affect the way we live?

Geography doesn’t just determine whether humans can live in a certain area or not, it also determines people’s lifestyles, as they adapt to the available food and climate patterns. As humans have migrated across the planet, they have had to adapt to all the changing conditions they were exposed to.

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Did geography influence the settlement and economy of early Africa?

Geography of the region shaped the way of life of the people living there. The people in the forests could grow taro, yams, and kola and trade it for gold and sold. The people in the desert could move herds of cattle, sheep, and goats to find food and water.

How did trade affect Nubia and North Africa?

How did trade affect Nubia and North Africa? Trade brought contact with other regions, people, and ideas, but also a rivalry with Egypt and conflict over the control of each region’s natural resources.

How did geography affect cultural development and the migration of peoples?

How did geography affect cultural development and the migration of peoples? In addition to the deserts and rain forests, other geographic features have acted as barriers and helped with the easy movement of people and goods. Before Sahara dried up (desertification), it was good for agriculture and farming.

In what ways did farming affect the growth of African villages and cities?

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In what ways did farming affect the growth of African villages and cities? Villages began to produce surplus food, which they traded with other areas. The growth of trade helped those towns develop into cities.

Who started slavery in Africa?

The transatlantic slave trade began during the 15th century when Portugal, and subsequently other European kingdoms, were finally able to expand overseas and reach Africa. The Portuguese first began to kidnap people from the west coast of Africa and to take those they enslaved back to Europe.

What is considered rude in South Africa?

In Africa, pointing at someone or something is generally considered rude and offensive, so if you don’t want to get on the wrong side of the Africans it’s best not to wave that finger around.

How did Africa respond to European migration?

African states respond to the European externalisation agenda either through full collaboration, partial cooperation (for example by signalling willingness to cooperate, but being apathetic to implementing agreements) or outright disregard.

How did outside influences lead to change in North Africa?

How did outside influences lead to change in North Africa? The Romans built dams, aqueducts, and roads across North Africa. Arab armies carried Islam into North Africa, and camels from Africa helped trade become more efficent and allowed trade to cross the desert.

What are some African last names?

  1. Abara: Originating from the Igbo group of West Africa, Abara means ‘spirit’.
  2. Abebe: The genesis of this Ethiopian name is Amharic, and it means ‘flower’ or ‘blossom’.
  3. Abimbola: …
  4. Abiodun: …
  5. Abioye: …
  6. Acheampong: …
  7. Achebe: …
  8. Adebayo:

How did trade contribute to the growth and prosperity of early African states and societies?

How did trade contribute to the growth and prosperity of early African states and societies? Trade brought the early African kingdoms great wealth and power. Ivory and other valuable goods were not the only things shared between societies. Trade also allowed for the spread of culture, religion, language, and ideas.

Why was salt an important trade item in ancient times?

Salt was an equally important trade item. Salt was valued in ancient times because people used it to help preserve meat and vegetables. At first, people only knew how to get salt from the sea. During the Han dynasty, the Chinese learned how to mine salt from under the ground.

Why did trade began across the Sahara desert?

Why did trade begin across the Sahara Desert? Trade began over the Sahara desert as the Chinese sent out envoys to scope the land. They found goods such as horses and camels and realized that there was trade to be done in Sub-Saharan Africa.

How did Africa’s geography affect its development?

The geography of Africa helped to shape the history and development of the culture and civilizations of Ancient Africa. The geography impacted where people could live, important trade resources such as gold and salt, and trade routes that helped different civilizations to interact and develop.

What caused the decline of Nubia quizlet?

What caused the decline of Nubia? the desertification of the Sahara.

How did prosperous trading cities grow up along Africa’s east coast?

Market towns sprang up along the East African coast to take advantage of that trade. Arab traders called this East African coastal region the land of Zanj and used the monsoon winds to visit these port towns. By AD 1100 several of these coastal market towns had grown into wealthy and thriving city-states.

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How did geography affect trade?

Traders had to use geographic anomalies so they could trade with people from other lands. To cross these land routes it was essential that enough water was available for the people and animals to use. Thus, water, in the form of oases, were vital resources along even the most remote, land-based trade routes.

How does Africa’s geography affect its economy?

Africa’s natural resource economy contributes greatly to the continent’s built environment, or human-made buildings and structures. The largest engineering projects and urban areas are directly linked to the production and trade of resources such as water, oil, and minerals.

How has trade affected Africa’s economy?

But the power of trade is that if the Africans were able to increase their share of world trade from 2 to 3 percent, that 1 percentage increase would actually generate about $70 billion of additional income annually for Africa,” or about three times the total development assistance Africa gets from the entire world, …

How might Africa’s geography have affected trading patterns there?

There were so many different geographical features, so Africans were forced to trade for what they needed. How did geography affect trade in West Africa? More people had to trade, so settlements made more money.

How did Africa’s geographic features influence migration cultural development and trade?

How did Africa’s geographic features influence migration cultural development and trade? … Deserts and rainforests acted as barriers to migration and trade. Numerous waterfalls and rapids that hindered migration and trade between the coast and the interior.

How does geographical location affect business?

– Geographical influences are one of the factors which have a great impact upon the businesses. – Geographic influences regard the effects which the natural features, population, industries of a region have upon a business. – They are based on the general and specific location and placement of a business.

How does geography affect agricultural growth?

Physical geography features (access to water, climate, soil types, landforms) influence how people farm in a region. Irrigation, terrace farming, deforestation, desertification, and the drainage of wetlands have occurred as farmers try to increase production to feed an ever-growing human population.

How does geography affect international business activity?

Geographic Conditions – The climate, terrain, seaports, and natural resources of a country influence business activities. Very hot weather limits the types of crops that can be grown. It also restricts the types of businesses that can operate in that climate.

Why is trade so difficult in Africa?

Africa’s trade competitiveness continues to be limited by both domestic factors—such as low agricultural productivity and investment, poor transport and communications infrastructure, and inefficient customs procedures—and global trade barriers.

What did Africa trade on the Silk Road?

Africans traded in timber, gold, elephant tusks, animals and sesame seeds on the Silk Road.

How can Africa’s trade be improved?

Producing more textiles and other manufactured goods can stimulate trade among African countries. To boost trade among African countries, regional economic communities (RECs), such as ECOWAS, have been created over the last few decades.

Why was trade important in West Africa?

The gold mines of West Africa provided great wealth to West African Empires such as Ghana and Mali. Other items that were commonly traded included ivory, kola nuts, cloth, slaves, metal goods, and beads. As trade developed across Africa, major cities developed as centers for trade.

How did trade help East Africa?

Trade allowed for rich cultural exchange that is evidenced in food, dress, architecture, language, and religion. The KiSwahili language is an archive that offers a rich entry point into study of the region, as it is a Bantu- (African) language to which other words in Arabic and other languages were added .

How did the triangular trade affect Africa?

The slave trade had devastating effects in Africa. Economic incentives for warlords and tribes to engage in the slave trade promoted an atmosphere of lawlessness and violence. Depopulation and a continuing fear of captivity made economic and agricultural development almost impossible throughout much of western Africa.

How did the Columbian Exchange affect the African people?

While slave exports were extremely high, due to new American crops introduced by the Colombian trade that were part of the slave exchange, the birth rate and life expectancy of an African were higher. As a result, the African population has skyrocketed by millions, but without a strong government and only tribes.

Why is water scarcity in North Africa a problem?

The main causes of water scarcity in Africa are physical and economic scarcity, rapid population growth, and climate change. Water scarcity is the lack of fresh water resources to meet the standard water demand.