How did the Confederate governments increased control over the southern economy impact the people in the South quizlet?

How did the Confederate government’s increased control over the southern economy impact the people in the South? They could not afford food or supplies due to high inflation. They lost slaves who were seized by the government. Lincoln’s plan for ending the war and reuniting the nation?

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How did the end of the war change the political landscape of the United States?

How did the end of the war change the political landscape of the United States? It shifted the political balance of power from the South to the North. It expanded the power and scope of the federal government. It greatly expanded the federal budget and transformed the government into the nation’s largest employer.

How did Southerners respond to Northern objections to the compromise of 1850?

How did southerners respond to northern objections to the Compromise of 1850? Southerners defended slavery vigorously, arguing that it allowed for a stable society supported by happy and well cared-for enslaved workers. They published texts asserting these claims.

Why was his view important in deciding how these states would be reintegrated into the Union after the Civil War quizlet?

Why was his view important in deciding how these states would be reintegrated into the Union after the Civil War? The executive branch of the federal government is in charge of reconstituting state governments, so that meant it was Lincoln’s responsibility to re-form the state governments.

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How did the Confederate Constitution differ from the US constitution?

The Confederate Constitution was adopted by the Confederacy in opposition to the Union and the United States Constitution. The prominent differences between the two were that the Confederate Constitution sought different guarantees of states’ rights and protected slavery as an institution.

How did the Confederate Constitution handle the issue of slavery quizlet?

Confederate constitution outlawed the African slave trade, supplying many Southern cotton plantations with slaves.

How did Northerners and Southerners react to the Dred Scott decision?

How did northerners and southerners react to the Dred Scott decision? Northerners were upset upset because it would open up slavery in their states. Southerners were happy because they want slavery to continue.

How did the Confederate Constitution handle the issue of slavery?

The Confederate Constitution added a clause about the question of slavery in the territories, the key constitutional debate of the 1860 election, by explicitly stating slavery to be legally protected in the territories.

How did the Compromise of 1850 cause tensions between northerners and southerners?

The Compromise of 1850 was created because of the failed Wilmot Proviso. The terms of the Compromise resulted in increased tensions between North and South. Terms of the Compromise included; California begin admitted as a free states. This increased tensions because the South viewed this as the start of slavery ending.

Did the North or South benefit more from the Compromise of 1850?

Although each side received benefits, the north seemed to gain the most. The balance of the Senate was now with the free states, although California often voted with the south on many issues in the 1850s. The major victory for the south was the Fugitive Slave Law.

How did the Civil War increase the power of the federal government?

Three key amendments to the Constitution adopted shortly after the war — abolishing slavery, guaranteeing equal protection and giving African Americans the right to vote — further cemented federal power.

In what ways did the outcome of the Civil War change the United States status in the world?

More progressive countries hailed the Union as “heroes of freedom” for ending slavery. The war also hastened the industrialization and growth in the North, making the U.S. a more modern and more powerful country in the global sphere.

How did the southern economy change after the war?

After the Civil War, sharecropping and tenant farming took the place of slavery and the plantation system in the South. Sharecropping and tenant farming were systems in which white landlords (often former plantation slaveowners) entered into contracts with impoverished farm laborers to work their lands.

How did the Civil War impact the South?

Farms and plantations were destroyed, and many southern cities were burned to the ground such as Atlanta, Georgia and Richmond, Virginia (the Confederacy’s capitol). The southern financial system was also ruined. After the war, Confederate money was worthless.

How did the Freedmen’s Bureau expand the reach of the federal government?

During its years of operation, the Freedmen’s Bureau fed millions of people, built hospitals and provided medical aid, negotiated labor contracts for ex-slaves and settled labor disputes. It also helped former slaves legalize marriages and locate lost relatives, and assisted black veterans.

Which statement best describes the economic prospects of African Americans in the South during Reconstruction?

Which statement best describes the economic prospects of African Americans in the South during Reconstruction? –They generally found themselves in debt to southern banks as a result of discriminatory lending policies. -Many opted for sharecropping due to lack of money and training.

What did the Confederate Constitution do?

Confederate Constitution explicitly supported slavery and asserted state rights. The Confederate Constitution made alterations of individual rights easier than under the U.S. Constitution.

Did the Confederate Constitution abolished slavery?

But there were several passages related to slavery that were much different. The Confederate version used the word “slaves,” unlike the U.S. Constitution. One article banned any Confederate state from making slavery illegal. Another ensured that slave owners could travel between Confederate states with their slaves.

What are the differences between the Confederate and U.S. governments?

The Confederate Constitution was adopted by the Confederacy in opposition to the Union and the United States Constitution. The prominent differences between the two were that the Confederate Constitution sought different guarantees of states’ rights and protected slavery as an institution.

Why was slavery in the western territories so important to Southerners and Southern society?

Why was slavery in the western territories so important to southerners and southern society? It was important for southerners to maintain the delicate balance between free and slave states in Congress to protect their slave-centered economy. Banning slavery in the West would have decreased southern political power.

How was the Confederate government different from the Union government?

The main difference between the Confederate and Union constitutions is that the confederate constitution was laid out to support state rights while the union constitution centralizes the power in one hand that is the Central Government.

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What did the Confederates fight for?

The Confederate States Army, also called the Confederate Army or the Southern Army, was the military land force of the Confederate States of America (commonly referred to as the Confederacy) during the American Civil War (1861–1865), fighting against the United States forces in order to uphold the institution of

How did white Southerners react to the Dred Scott decision quizlet?

What was the reaction to the Dred Scott decision? Southerners were happy. Northerners were angry and shocked.

What effect do you think the court’s decision in the Dred Scott case had on the efforts of many Americans to end slavery?

The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in the Dred Scott case struck down the Missouri Compromise as unconstitutional, maintaining that Congress had no power to forbid or abolish slavery in the territories.

How did the North and South View Uncle Tom’s Cabin and the Dred Scott decision?

As a result of the decision in the Dred Scott case, slavery was allowed in all new territories and, therefore, new states. The South was jubilant; the North was outraged. son who is perceived as being too accepting of an inferior position in society and too eager to please whites in positions of authority.

How did the Compromise of 1850 increase tensions between the North and the South quizlet?

How did the Compromise of 1850 increase tensions between the North and the South? The North refused to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act. popular sovereignty. they would lose equality in the Senate.

How did the Compromise of 1850 appease both North and south?

Instead of having a balance of free and slave states. How did the Compromise of 1850 appease both North and South? Texas let go of its claims on New Mexico in return for $10 million from the federal government with which to settle its debts. California was admitted as a free state.

What impact did the Compromise of 1850 have on the settlement of the West?

As part of the Compromise of 1850, the Fugitive Slave Act was amended and the slave trade in Washington, D.C., was abolished. Furthermore, California entered the Union as a free state and a territorial government was created in Utah.

How did the Civil War change the role of the federal government quizlet?

How did the Civil War change the role of the federal government? It increased the amount of power that the federal government had.

How did the Civil War influence the role of government?

The Civil War confirmed the single political entity of the United States, led to freedom for more than four million enslaved Americans, established a more powerful and centralized federal government, and laid the foundation for America’s emergence as a world power in the 20th century.

How did the South view the Compromise of 1850?

These southern radicals believed they could take their slaves and settle anywhere in the country especially in the new territories. They accepted no compromise. The alternative was cessation from the Union.

Why did the U.S. government agree to the Compromise of 1850?

The Compromise of 1850 was a series of measures proposed by U.S. Senator Henry Clay and passed by the U.S. Congress to settle several issues connected to slavery and avert the threat of dissolution of the Union.

What type of government did the South have during the Civil War?

Confederate States of America, also called Confederacy, in the American Civil War, the government of 11 Southern states that seceded from the Union in 1860–61, carrying on all the affairs of a separate government and conducting a major war until defeated in the spring of 1865.

How did civil war affect southern economy?

The Union’s industrial and economic capacity soared during the war as the North continued its rapid industrialization to suppress the rebellion. In the South, a smaller industrial base, fewer rail lines, and an agricultural economy based upon slave labor made mobilization of resources more difficult.

What were 3 advantages of the South in the Civil War?

The South could produce all the food it needed, though transporting it to soldiers and civilians was a major problem. The South also had a great nucleus of trained officers. Seven of the eight military colleges in the country were in the South. The South also proved to be very resourceful.

How did the Civil War change the South quizlet?

How did the Civil War affect the South’s economy? The South was so badly devastated and destroyed, and the money was so worthless, that it failed to industrialize and remained a poor agricultural economy long after the North’s Industrial Revolution. The South was the poorest area of the nation.

Which of the following was a Confederate advantage in fighting the Civil War?

At the onset on the war, in 1861 and 1862, they stood as relatively equal combatants. The Confederates had the advantage of being able to wage a defensive war, rather than an offensive one. They had to protect and preserve their new boundaries, but they did not have to be the aggressors against the Union.

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How did the federal government both Union and Confederate mobilize their economies for war?

They mobilized their populations for war by the Confederacy using habeas corpus and releasing reluctant draftees while the Union levying special taxes on southern supporters, suspending habeas corpus and imprisoning southern sympathizers without trials.

What had the greatest impact on the outcome of the Civil War?

Which of the following had the greatest impact on the outcome of the Civil War? Economic differences between the Union and the Confederacy.

Why did the Confederacy face economic challenges during the Civil War?

Taxes were lower than in the Union but collected with less efficiency. Both the Confederate government and individual states printed more and more paper money as the war continued. The result of printing paper money without money in the treasury to back it was runaway inflation.

How did the government change after the Civil War?

Three key amendments to the Constitution adopted shortly after the war — abolishing slavery, guaranteeing equal protection and giving African Americans the right to vote — further cemented federal power.

How did the freedmen’s bureau help the South after the Civil War?

On March 3, 1865, Congress passed “An Act to establish a Bureau for the Relief of Freedmen and Refugees” to provide food, shelter, clothing, medical services, and land to displaced Southerners, including newly freed African Americans.

How did the freedmen’s bureau help reform education in the South?

The Freedmen’s Bureau helped to establish schools for freed blacks. The schools took off, and by the end of 1865 (the first year the Bureau operated), there were more than 90,000 freed slaves enrolled in public school. The establishment of free schools for former slaves impacted education in many ways.

What major challenges did the federal government face in reconstructing the South?

The most difficult task confronting many Southerners during Reconstruction was devising a new system of labor to replace the shattered world of slavery. The economic lives of planters, former slaves, and nonslaveholding whites, were transformed after the Civil War.

Why did southern planters and merchants oppose Reconstruction and the new state governments?

Why did southern planters and merchants oppose Reconstruction and the new state governments? Reconstruction governments were corrupt. Southern whites could not accept the idea of blacks’ equality. Poor southern whites did not experience the improvement to their economic situation as they had hoped.

How was the Confederate Constitution different from the U.S. Constitution?

The Confederate Constitution was adopted by the Confederacy in opposition to the Union and the United States Constitution. The prominent differences between the two were that the Confederate Constitution sought different guarantees of states’ rights and protected slavery as an institution.

How did the Confederate Constitution differ from the federal constitution quizlet?

How did the Confederate States of America’s constitution differ from the Constitution of the United States of America? The Confederate constitution explicitly guaranteed slave property in both the states and in any newly acquired territory.

How did the Confederate Constitution handle the issue of slavery?

The Confederate Constitution added a clause about the question of slavery in the territories, the key constitutional debate of the 1860 election, by explicitly stating slavery to be legally protected in the territories.

How did the Confederates view slavery during the war?

During the war, Confederate soldiers were optimistic about the prospects for the survival of the Confederacy and the institution of slavery well into 1864. Confederates feared the Emancipation Proclamation would lead to slave uprisings, an occurrence which even northerners did not desire.

Why did slavery expand in the south?

One of the primary reasons for the reinvigoration of slavery was the invention and rapid widespread adoption of the cotton gin. This machine allowed Southern planters to grow a variety of cotton – short staple cotton – that was especially well suited to the climate of the Deep South.

How did Southerners view slavery and its expansion in the mid 19th century?

How did southerners view slavery and its expansion in the mid-nineteenth century? Southerners believed that slavery was like any other form of property and therefore could expand into newly acquired territory.

What are the advantages of a Confederate government?

  • Strong Units or States. A confederacy is a united body of provincial units or individual states. …
  • Decentralized Form of Power. …
  • Having a Sense of Sovereignty. …
  • Cooperative Power. …
  • Weak Central Government. …
  • Financial Power. …
  • Power Struggle Internally. …
  • Ability to Sustain.

How did the Confederate government work?

The Confederacy used the U.S. Constitution as a model for its own, with some wording differences and a few changes regarding the executive and judicial branches. The Confederate president would serve for six years with no reelection possibility, but was considered more powerful than his Union counterpart.

What did the Confederate Constitution do?

Confederate Constitution explicitly supported slavery and asserted state rights. The Confederate Constitution made alterations of individual rights easier than under the U.S. Constitution.

How did the Confederate Constitution handle the issue of slavery quizlet?

Confederate constitution outlawed the African slave trade, supplying many Southern cotton plantations with slaves.