How did abolitionists react to the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

slave state 1 How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act affect the abolition movement? 2 Did abolitionists support the Kansas-Nebraska Act? 3 Why did the Kansas-Nebraska Act anger abolitionists? 4 Why did abolitionists move to Kansas Territory? 5 How did abolitionists feel about the Kansas-Nebraska Act? 6 What did abolitionists want to do with the

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How did the Hepburn Act attempt to restore regulatory authority to the government?

Mann-Elkins Act 1 What did the Hepburn Act do? 2 How was the Hepburn Act of 1906 an example of government regulation? 3 How did the Hepburn Act regulate corporations? 4 What was the significance of the 1906 Hepburn Act quizlet? 5 How did the Hepburn Act change the government’s? 6 Did the

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