How can there ever be an unbalanced force on an object if every action has an equal and opposite reaction?

According to Newton’s third law of motion, forces always act in equal but opposite pairs. Another way of saying this is for every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction. This means that when you push on a wall, the wall pushes back on you with a force equal in strength to the force

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How did scientists work together to discover the structure and function of DNA?

Chargaff’s realization that A = T and C = G, combined with some crucially important X-ray crystallography work by English researchers Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins, contributed to Watson and Crick’s derivation of the three-dimensional, double-helical model for the structure of DNA. 1 Who were the scientists involved with the discovery of the

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How did Pavlov and Freud contribute to the study of psychology?

– Pavlov discovered that both animals reflexes and human’s unconscious reactions to experiences could be changed through training. – Freud created psychoanalysis to help people deal with the psychological conflicts created by the forces of memories, desires, and impulses. 1 Why is Pavlov’s work important? 2 What is Ivan Pavlov most known for

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How did Rome control the privileges and benefits of citizenship?

How did Rome control the privileges and benefits of citizenship? They developed the census which ranked people based on certain standards and if people did not reach any of then they would be demoted in rank. 1 How did ancient Rome influence government and ideas of citizenship? 2 What privileges did a roman

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How did President Bush’s response to the conflict between Iraq and Kuwait contrast with President Clinton’s response to the conflict in Bosnia?

What did President Bush’s response to the conflict between Iraq and Kuwait have in common with President Clinton’s response to the conflict in Bosnia? Both presidents invaded countries and helped start democracies. Both presidents chose to remain neutral in the conflicts outside the US. 1 Which event finally decided the outcome of the

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How did the 14th Amendment change the relationship between the states and the Bill of Rights?

The Fourteenth Amendment makes it clear that the Bill of Rights also applies to the state governments. The amendment guarantees that the states cannot take away the “privileges or immunities” of citizens that are given them by the Constitution. 1 How did the 14th Amendment affect states rights? 2 How did the 14th

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How did Puritanism contribute to the development of American culture and government?

The American concept of limited government stems from the Puritan community. Puritans believed that no single person or group of people should be trusted to run the government. The Puritan emphasis on education led to an American school system whereby everyone is taught reading, writing, and arithmetic. 1 How did Puritans influence US

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How did Rockefeller and Carnegie impact American industry?

Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan and Henry Ford became engines of capitalism, building transportation, oil, steel, financial industry, and automobile manufacturing in a way that changed the world, and making the United States a world power. 1 What did Carnegie and Rockefeller do? 2 How did Andrew Carnegie contribute to the industrial development

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