How did the Compromise of 1850 complicate issues between northerners and southerners?

Fugitive Slave Law 1 How did the Missouri Compromise complicate issues between northerners and southerners? 2 How did the compromise affect relations between North and South? 3 What did the compromise between the northerners and southerners say over the issue of slavery? 4 What were the key issues that caused conflict between North

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How did President Bush’s response to the conflict between Iraq and Kuwait contrast with President Clinton’s response to the conflict in Bosnia?

What did President Bush’s response to the conflict between Iraq and Kuwait have in common with President Clinton’s response to the conflict in Bosnia? Both presidents invaded countries and helped start democracies. Both presidents chose to remain neutral in the conflicts outside the US. 1 Which event finally decided the outcome of the

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How did the 14th Amendment change the relationship between the states and the Bill of Rights?

The Fourteenth Amendment makes it clear that the Bill of Rights also applies to the state governments. The amendment guarantees that the states cannot take away the “privileges or immunities” of citizens that are given them by the Constitution. 1 How did the 14th Amendment affect states rights? 2 How did the 14th

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How did social factors encourage the growth of slavery as an important part of the economy of the southern colonies between 1607 and 1775?

Within the southern colonies of America between 1607 and 1775 factors such as available farm land, the increased production of agricultural crops, and general need for a stable labor force led to the development of slavery. 1 How did slavery impact the growth of the colonies and the culture? 2 What caused the

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How did the Great Compromise resolve the differences between those who favored the New Jersey Plan and those who supported the Virginia Plan?

How did the Great Compromise resolve the differences between the Virginia and New Jersey plans? The Senate would have two senators for each state; the House of Representatives would be based on the state’s population. 1 How did the Great Compromise settle the differences between large and small states? 2 How did the

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How did state power shift in various parts of the world between 1750 and 1900?

Colonial powers expanded through warfare, diplomacy, and power transfer from exploration companies to governments. Colonizers established new settler colonies in French Algeria and the British colonies in South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. Large numbers of Europeans moved into settler colonies. 1 What factors contributed to the development of the global economy from

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How can water scarcity create conflicts between countries?

Water scarcity alone, however, is infrequently the cause of armed conflict over water. Immediately precipitating causes include sociopolitical tensions; disputes over dams, reservoirs, and other large-scale projects; and disputes concerning environmental and resource issues. 1 What is water scarcity and how does it affect different countries? 2 How does conflict affect water scarcity?

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How did regulated federalism change the relationship between the states and national governments?

How did regulated federalism change the relationship between the states and national governments? Congress imposed legislation on states and localities, requiring them to meet national standards. 1 How has the relationship between the national government and the states changed over time? 2 How does the relationship between the federal government and state governments

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