How did social factors encourage the growth of slavery as an important part of the economy of the southern colonies between 1607 and 1775?

Within the southern colonies of America between 1607 and 1775 factors such as available farm land, the increased production of agricultural crops, and general need for a stable labor force led to the development of slavery. 1 How did slavery impact the growth of the colonies and the culture? 2 What caused the

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How Did Africans Resist Slavery In The British Colonies?

Methods of resistance: Enslaved Africans resisted slavery in both covert and overt ways. Examples of covert forms of resistance include work slow-downs and breaking tools. Examples of overt forms of resistance include running away or organizing rebellions. 1 How did the British treat the African slaves? 2 What were the three types of

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How did the French and Indian War affect British relations with the colonies Brainly?

The French and Indian War altered the ideological relations between Britain and its colonies because all the regulations and taxes caused the colonies to have feelings of resentment toward Britain. 1 How did the French and Indian War lead to the American Revolution Brainly? 2 How did the French and Indian War contribute

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How did the Atlantic slave trade benefit economy of Britain’s New England colonies?

The profits gained from the slave trade gave the British economy an extra source of capital. Both the Americas and Africa, whose economies depended on slavery, became useful additional export markets for British manufactures. Certain British individuals, businesses, and ports prospered on the basis of the slave trade. 1 What did Britain gain

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